Mick - March 14, 2003 - November 30, 2017

Our goat-friend, Mick, became sick last week with Meningeal Worm, the same parasite that Kan had 3 years ago.  The alpacas and the goats are both susceptible to this infection, and the wet summer/warm fall conditions were ideal for proliferation of slugs and snails, which are the intermediate hosts.  Mick died on Wednesday, at age 14.

Mick and his sister Mabel were gifts from Bob and Marie Houk.  They were part Oberhasli breed, which gave them their beautiful black and brown coloring.  Mick endured many years of Mabel using her horns to her own advantage.  After she died a few years ago, Mick shared his home with Rainbow and Katie; then Rainbow's twins, Esther and Lester.  Now Esther is the remaining JE goat.  We will be looking for a goat-friend for her.  Mick was the twins' mentor, demonstrating head-butting and dominance and claiming the finest rock for himself.  He was a grumpy uncle to them, watching their antics but not participating.  Mick was always excited for apples (he had a lot of them this fall), and he loved rubbing his head on anyone who would stand still next to him.  We miss him.

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