Fall Work Day #1 is in the books...

We had a glorious Work Day today. We:
- made and canned upwards of 9 gallons of apple sauce, and fed the scraps to the pigs
- moved a lot of compost
- finished the 2015 haying season with a big wagon load of bales
- picked and snapped beans
- weeded, including a good start on the annual thorough pre-winter weeding of the strawberry patch
- put electric fence around an unprotected part of the garden to keep the deer out
- touched up the exterior paint on the farm house
- picked pears
- found frogs and crayfish (this is the younger generation speaking)
- ate a wonderful, outdoor lunch of beef and beet borscht, bagels, homemade bread and vegetable soup.

Thank you Jean Mackenzie, Maya Sabin, Zoe Caryn, Sara Cohen, Sadie Subedi, Suzannah Hadorn, Shelley Preston, John, Patrick and Ruthie Kelly, and Sam Kelly (no relation, I think), from the 'home team' (Tim, Helena, Ralph, Kristin, Andy, Lily and Cahir).

Two more Fall Work days are planned: October 3rd and November 7th. Mark your calendars!