January 31st, 2021 Letter to the camp community

Journey's End Farm_Nov2014_Barn.jpg

After long consideration and with a great deal of sadness and some trepidation about the future, we have decided that we will no longer be operating Journey’s End Farm Camp as a residential camp for children.  As a family, it has been a privilege to share space with campers and counselors, to witness positive growth, and to be a part of treasured memories for the past 80 years.  The memories will remain (and perhaps be enhanced!) over time.  The bonds forged between campers and staff remain as indelible reminders of what can be achieved when we open ourselves up to build connections with people we hardly know. 

How could we make such a decision? Especially now, when campers are looking forward to returning?  When all the world is yearning for in-person connection? 

It hasn’t been easy.  We have spoken with extended family, participated in workshops, and consulted with friends.  We have attended meetings and talked with other camp directors.  We have thought deeply about the farm, the land, and our responsibility of stewardship.  And, most importantly, in this year we have looked at ourselves, the work we do, and how we spend our time. For us, this decision is not strictly tied to the financial and economic strains of the pandemic that we and many others are facing. We know we could find a way to continue with camp, that people would rally behind us, and that new life could be breathed into the program after being closed for a year or two. But the uncertainty and turmoil of the pandemic has given space - for the first time ever - for us to consider what we do and how we do it, and has helped us realize that running camp may no longer be our calling.  Many camp programs exist in a space dedicated strictly to that one purpose. Journey’s End has always existed in the same physical space that is our year-round home.  Welcoming people into that space is a unique strength of the program, but a difficult reality in which to live. 

It feels right to be true to ourselves and to shift our attention to the work we feel led toward, even though it hurts to discontinue a program that has meant so much to so many for 80 years. We want to find ways to welcome others to share the spaces of the farm, while also giving proper attention to the land we live on and that sustains us. Our attention will shift to growing more and even better produce for our CSA and Farmers Market customers, increasing maple syrup production, and exploring other possibilities for producing more high-quality food for our community. New ideas may evolve in the years to come, but this is our starting point. 

We are planning to open up some of our spaces for camping this summer and beyond.  If you are interested in coming to the farm to stay in a cabin or pitch a tent between May and October, it would be a pleasure to see you and to have you here.  Details are still to come, but check our website for updates in the coming months. 

Although we’ve written a lot about ourselves here in an effort to help you understand our change of direction, you are very much in our thoughts.  A year ago, we expected to carry on with camp and to welcome campers with open arms.  We hope our connection with you will stay strong.  Some things will no doubt change in the coming years, but we expect that the sights, sounds, and smells of the farm will continue to feel familiar. The same spirit that we’ve nurtured at camp for 80 years will remain at Journey’s End Farm.  Any animals here will be glad for some attention when they get to see you.  The future will bring new adventures with old roots, and we are looking forward with anticipation.  As always, take the happiness you’ve received from Journey’s End with you and pass it along. 

Andy, Lily, and Kristin 

If you were hoping to refer a friend to Journey’s End Farm Camp, here is a list of camps we would recommend that have similar values and programming.  